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Deep Dive on Diabetes for Practitioners

Are you confident in your metabolic dysfunction knowledge?

Although you may already be a savvy practitioner, I am certain you will learn something new in this video. You’ll walk away with pages of notes and practical pearls you can use in your practice right away.

Here are some of the things we’ll be discussing:

  • The #1 lab marker that could turn the tide on the Type 2 Diabetes epidemic.
  • Surprising Root Causes that have Nothing to do with Diet
  • The keto craze and the fasting fad. As usual, the Devil is in the detail!
  • A low carb diet may drive Up blood sugar. Huh? Yes! Do you know why?
  • To fat or not to fat for diabetes? An important catch-22 about increasing good quality fats for diabetics.
  • The Resistance continues: from Insulin to Leptin!
  • Are the Microbes in charge again on this one too? Dis-ease begins in the gut yet again!
  • “You can eat a perfect diet, exercise regularly, and ______ can still cause early death.” (and often, Type 2 Diabetes!)
  • Downstream disease: Kidneys, Eyes, Neurons, and then the Liver! Alas, a classic downward spiral.
  • Remedies that work! Even better than medication (true data, not hype).

Thank you ALL for participating and sharing your inspiring comments, learning, and virtual hugs!

With warmth and gratitude to you for sharing your gifts with so many –



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Kim Hanna
Kim Hanna

Excellent video and I learned so much! The pearl I walked away with was fasting insulin level may be a better indicator of DM Type II.

Just to clarify: I am a RN in FNP school, I am strongly considering beginning SAFM this fall. I have more of a pro bono consultation practice at this time and am looking at ways to monetize what I am doing. Thank you for all of your knowledge and wisdom!

Jodi edwards
Jodi edwards

Fasting insulin!!! Yes. So many doctors never measure this and it’s such a huge number to track! Your dedication to sharing your knowledge and teaching critical thinking skills is so admirable and appreciated


Excellent information, thank you!

Many pearls: interesting to know how many external influences like stress, toxins, sleep quality etc. affects blood sugar levels, and also internal ones like microbiome composition, leaky gut, stress hormones.


Alex Stensberg
Alex Stensberg

I’m not sure I completely agree with it all 100% but it was still a great video! There’s a lot of research showing how saturated fat can cause insulin resistance. I know a lot of people who have reversed their diabetes on a high carb, low fat plant based diet! I think carbs are the solution, not the problem. Of course whole food carbs with a low glycemic load.

My favorite pearl was the information on how high blood sugar creates oxidative damage. I always knew it was bad but wasn’t sure of the mechanism until now. Thanks!

Toni Profera
Toni Profera

Big take away for me…Insulin Resistance begins in the legs! All that sitting!!
Also, the low fasting glucose with the SAD diet. Wow. Take a deeper look.
I also loved learning about the GAD antibody information. I never knew about that.
Thank you again for having these!

Michelle Cardimen

Great presentation today.

I really appreciated all the information. My favorite pearl was the information regarding how insulin resistance can begin in the large muscles like the quadriceps. It is always great to give clients immediate lifestyle changes they can make immediately while on their way to better health. Taking the stairs or doing weight-bearing exercises but most importantly meeting them where they are in their life to make changes easy and sustainable.

My second favorite pearl was regarding a higher fasting blood sugar with lower Hgb A1C could be in regard to cortisol awakening response.

The third pearl: I had never heard 3 months for men and only 2 months for women for Hgb A1C due to women’s menstrual cycle. As well as making sure their Hgb levels are not an issue before relying heavily on this data. Thanks again for an informative live event!


So, i listened to the live again. I find completely fascinating the possibility of improper fatty acid oxidation at a cellular level i.e. the mitochondria. It used to confuse me a lot trends like those addressed by the vegetarian community which stress so much against keto and/or low carb high fat diets, recommending tons of fruits. Even if i still don’t get their complete idea, now i get the point. Although i would love to get deeper into how that mechanism is impaired.. I understand its because of oxidation due to long term high glucose and bad fats..?. Also, i found very interesting the morning cortisol awakening response.. I didn’t quite get the reasons though.. as for what tracy explained, it could be rooted in a bad night sleep (which impairs blood glucose and cortisol to my understanding), and/or having dinner to close to bed time….?
How I wish i found this school before. Thanks again!

Debbie Bockhold
Debbie Bockhold

Fasting insulin can give us a 10 year jump on insulin resistance? Why isn’t this tested more often with this growing epidemic??

Tina Lanciault
Tina Lanciault

My favorite pearls today was that I’m beginning to understand what insulin resistance is and how important it is to recognize it early so it can be reversed. Thanks for the tips, info I can use now with my patients, very helpful.
Thanks Tracey, I learned so much about insulin resistance today, I want more so even if I don’t win in the drawing I’m definitely taking this class. Thank you!!

Lulu baassiri
Lulu baassiri

Is it possible for a patient having EBV active virus and mold toxicity as well as hashimoto’s and chronic candida to have glucose level of 95 though cutting sugar gluten and dairy .eating autoimmune low complex carbohydrates diet? Thank you in advance ..I am a health coach

Cynthia Brotzman
Cynthia Brotzman

The most fascinating pearl (there were so many) was the ability to get ahead of disease by adding fasting insulin levels to the already usually practiced fasting blood glucose. Fantastic presentation!


The biggest eye opener for me was how, even though HbA1C levels can revert to being low, patients can still have insulin resistance. My dad was diagnosed with T2DM 3 years ago after losing around 20 pounds in 8 weeks. He was put on Metformin, drastically reduced his carb intake and within 3 months, his HbA1C was borderline hypoglycaemic, and has remained that way since. Being new to Functional Medicine, I thought this was great but he has been eating crappy foods again and now, thanks to Tracy, I know he needs to get his fasting insulin checked!!

Melanie Kern
Melanie Kern

Hi Tracy…What a great Live today!!! I really picked up some serious wisdom. I especially appreciated your information on berberine…PLANTS OVER PRESCRIPTIONS!! Also, the concept that stress can spike your blood sugar levels just like food can. My father passed away due to complications from his progressive diabetes, This disease has impacted my life in a very personal and profound way. Thank you

Tracey Powers
Tracey Powers

My pearls for today were the fasting glucose different than fasting insulin with fasting insulin being most important and testing for HA1C is just avg marker and dependent on other factors.
And that fasting glucose is effected by cortisol an awakening response ….soooo important to know!!
Of course their are more and always come away with amazing useful information and knowledge. I am so interested in SAFM!!

Reyana Alwani
Reyana Alwani

I enjoyed learning about all the factors apart from food that cause high blood sugar like cortisol, inflammation and toxin exposure that causes cell damage and therefore insulin resistance. Also hypothyroid. Sluggish thyroid, sluggish everything! Love that! So easy to explain.

Linda Delmore
Linda Delmore

WOW! Great Facebook live today, Tracy. Your Facebook lives always inspire me and open my mind and search outside the box. I learned quite a few pearls but the two that stand out for me are the insulin resistance beginning in the large muscles of the lower extremities, that is why walking, standing is very important, keep moving. The other Pearl is the lab marker, “fasting insulin”, being a better marker than fasting glucose.
As always thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Samantha Anderson
Samantha Anderson

It was hard to pull out my favorite, there were so many to choose from! Excellent presentation, SAFM!

My favorite “Pearl” that Tracy shared today was this:

“Insulin Resistance begins in the large muscles of the legs first! A sedentary lifestyle leads to insulin resistance. So, you need to walk more. Need to stand more. Get in your steps!”

I’m currently enrolled in the March 2019 class of FMCA, and hope to begin SAFM upon graduation in February 2020! I hope to specialize in Type 2 Diabetes treatment, and the connection between cognitive health and insulin resistance.

Thank you!

Samantha Anderson

Alicia (Ali) Craig-Rodriguez
Alicia (Ali) Craig-Rodriguez

Wow, Tracy, fabulous FaceBook Live today! You are an amazing teacher. I loved the pearl about the fact that fasting glucose can go down to the low end of the reference range (where we think everything looks great) while our insulin levels are rising behind the scenes as the pancreas works overtime. Although I knew that a fasting insulin was an excellent biomarker for insulin resistance, no one has ever explained it that way. I will now be more mindful that symptoms of low blood sugar (dizziness, getting “hangry,” etc. ) could actually be signs of rising insulin levels.
As always, thanks!

Val E
Val E

The pearl I got from today was…fasting insulin and it’s importance. I’ve been telling my clients to request this from their doctors but get so much push back. You gave me some good arguments to help with that, especially around the slow build up of insulin resistance over a long period of time, even if blood sugar (and A1C) does not look abnormal.


My Pearl from today’s Live: the distinction between ‘fasting insulin’ and ‘fasting glucose’ – how one can be within a normal range while the other is increasing