SAFM Program Overview

Join SAFM's Founder, Tracy Harrison, as she succinctly shares all you need to know about SAFM's functional medicine training program and what the curriculum and community offer inspired health professionals.


Functional Medicine
in Practice Interviews

Ready to uplevel your clinical capability and confidence for Your greatest potential?

Hear from SAFM students and graduates from diverse modalities about how they are using the power of applied functional medicine (across a variety of healthcare roles and settings) to maximize both their clinical outcomes and their personal fulfillment.

Transform Your Career. Change Your Life.

Discover how SAFM is leading the way in transformative, applied functional medicine training!
* For active, licensed or certified health professionals *

Do you feel a burning passion to make a bigger impact through your health career in a way that changes lives?

Do you feel restless to go beyond just gaining more knowledge and to have durable clinical capability and confidence in helping your most complex patients or clients?

Do you worry that another year will go by and you won’t affect the REAL root cause resolution you crave but instead be limited to only managing disease (and worry about the wear-and-tear this takes on both your heart and your sense of fulfillment in your career)?

Do you feel overwhelmed about how to educate, inspire, and provide empowerment for the people - your patients and clients - whom you are devoted to serving, so they actually make dramatic lifestyle change?

If you seek training that gives you resilient capability and confidence, so that you can actually DO this important work in a sustainable way, Join us and see what is possible for you.

You likely already feel a restless calling inside.
You are ready to make a Bigger Difference.

Are You ready to:

  • Uplevel the practical, clinical strategies you provide to patients and clients.
  • Open up to the challenge of a rich and inspiring learning process.
  • Master skills you didn’t know you were missing. Galvanize them over and over again in real, complex cases.
  • Invest in a learning experience that will transform the way you practice, not just the scientific knowledge you have.
  • Connect with diverse, like-minded colleagues who share your mission to transform chronic disease health care.
  • Reinvigorate passion for your career. Find the fulfillment you've been missing.

If even one of these goals resonates with you, we invite you to learn more.  We will show you exactly how thousands of health practitioners have achieved these very things.

This one hour may redirect Your life. It already has for so many of your colleagues around the world.

“The SAFM program has taught me the importance of clearly explaining personalized dise-ease patterns and interconnectedness in a way that inspires each individual I work with to make change and create their own health.

This is no longer a career for me - it is my purpose - I couldn’t be happier!”

Registered Dietician  

“The monthly in-depth case studies of real clients are so helpful.

The SAFM training has given me the ability to help clients resolve chronic skin issues, hormone imbalances, thyroid issues, gut dysbiosis and so much more!”

— Vanessa,
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

“This training allows me to do the work I’ve always dreamed of doing:
Being a healthcare provider.

Not a sick-care supervisor. “

— Amanda,
Nurse Practitioner


You are in a unique position because of your passion for health care transformation.

There is someone sitting, somewhere, right now—praying for health, needing your experience, your insight, your passion.

What if, instead of putting off your goals and your desires, instead of wrestling with overwhelm and restlessness, you decide to step forward.

You decide to take action to receive the education, inspiration, empowerment, and community you need in order to do the work that you know is your purpose, the reason you are here.


Practitioners who have become SAFM students over the past decade have:

  • Massively increased their impact on patients and clients
  • Experienced newfound fulfillment in their health career without necessarily leaving their current job
  • Gained the confidence and skillset to start a new practice if that is their desire
  • Initiated change from within their conventional medicine clinical setting
  • Created enhanced career opportunities and financial abundance
  • Received highest patient ratings

The world needs a new branch of true Health Care. One that demands a tribe of diverse practitioners who are highly capable of working with proactive, preventative, patient-centric, personalized, systems-driven, root cause resolution care.

The world needs You. Your talent, your passion, your heart.


Meet Heather.


"... the more I evaluate my patient’s labs through a functional medicine lens, I am quickly seeing it as an art form unto itself and I am truly enjoying it! I am floored by how much can be gathered from basic labs and wish I had this knowledge in my NP practice over the last 10 years! Thank you for teaching and inspiring me".

Meet Corinna.


We need to find solutions that respect and celebrate an individual's uniqueness and be ready to change our course when necessary.  This, from my perspective, is the power of functional medicine.  What I admire the most about SAFM is the incredible detail in each course, the material and the constant focus on applicability.  They take complex concepts and translate them into actionable and practical knowledge."

Meet John.


"My personal quality of life (no asthma) has been improved more than I am able to express. This has led me to the passionate belief that anything is possible, and I carry that passion & belief in the work I do with clients every day…I love the School’s approach to wellness, the combined focus on science and the power of intuition."

Meet Belinda.


“I love the attention to detail in every course and interconnectedness between body processes. The body is amazing and if we can teach the basics and foundations of health we can eliminate so many ailments… My favorite topic is ‘crap food, stress and toxins’. This is a foundation to many processes in the body that can be tweaked and worked on. The best part of this program is the abundance of scientific resources to strengthen the validity of the content. I have learned so much—the passion is inspiring and infectious!”

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