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Advanced Supplementation Insights for Practitioners


Although you may already be a savvy practitioner, I am certain you will learn something new in this video about ‘Advanced Supplementation Insights for Practitioners.’ You’ll walk away with pages of notes and practical pearls you can use in your practice right away.

Here is some of what we covered:

  • CoQ10 with statins – yes! But what about these other often overlooked nutrient depletions from medications?
  • The only 3 reasons to ever recommend supplements – and what to be sure to do at the same time! 
  • Potential pitfalls of single nutrient supplementation long-term. Some key supplements are better together!
  • Caution to consider for these common COVID related supplements. 
  • Turmeric, Quercetin, and 5-HTP, oh my? Powerful, effective options, but make sure you know where to exercise caution in using them.
  • A good strategy with any supplement, going low’n’slow upon introduction is especially key with these common supplements.
  • Methylation is famous. And so is folate. But here’s what practitioners might be forgetting!
  • Underutilized solutions for Rapid Relief of anxiety. Are you using them?
  • You need a toolbox – not a single solution – to help your clients with sleep.  Here’s why and what we recommend you put in yours.

With gratitude to You for joining in the fun and learning,

P.S.  If you are passionate about transforming healthcare through the power of functional medicine, we encourage you to learn more about our training program here.

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Pamela Ojeda
Pamela Ojeda

I need to hear from the beginning, but quercetin is something I need to look at a bit more for my own unique situation. I’m really liking these short presentations to lock in and add to learning.

Cindy Fink
Cindy Fink

Oh my I have learned so much today! When it comes to inflammation, joint pain, and achiness, they need mitochondrial support with CO Q10 and that curcumin can actually impair iron absorption in the gut so it ‘s better not to use in woman with heavy periods.
I didn’t realize picnogenol was a mast cell stabilizer. B12 escorts folate to the party! 🙂
I forgot that zinc competes with copper. I did not realize quercitin affects the enzyme that metabolizes catecholamines so don’t use in high stressed individuals. I learned that Beta blockers deplete CO Q10 and melatonin, and that you need magnesium to metabolize vitamin D! WOW! I was blown away by this session!!! Thank you so much Tracy 🙂

Elaine Douglas
Elaine Douglas

Loved the analogy for B9(folate) and B12 partnership to explain why they are both required in methylation. Also that no vitamin or mineral works in isolation and we need to look at what the impact (e.g.) zinc (without looking at cooper). Love these sessions and looking forward to joining SAFM – It genuinely is broadening my Nutritional Therapy learning here with so many amazing insights. Thank you x

Amanda Thornton
Amanda Thornton

Loved learning about magnesium and Vit D, the role of the B vitamins. Have a client with autoimmune after food poisoning and ongoing gut issues taking all the correct supplements but not getting the relief and nutrient poor diet. Looking forward to the autoimmune master class next week!

Ankita Kaul
Ankita Kaul

Vit B6 is essential to make GABA Glutamate- which is the key for calm neurotransmitters- remedy for Anxiety which maybe causing the insomnia. Not always Melatonin can be the answer.

Reshma Verma
Reshma Verma

Thank you for an eye opening lecture! Almost other things, I learned that curcumin impairs iron absorption in the gut.

Dee Valles
Dee Valles

Quercitin is not the best choice for a person with a lot of stress as it also uses the COMT pathway and may cause an increase in ruminating thoughts and increase stress hormones.

Kelly Walker
Kelly Walker

Amazing how he interconnectedness of all things. Nothing’s taken in a vacuum. Appreciate the insight of certain medications/supplements potentially depleting others. Key insight.

Jodi Edwards
Jodi Edwards

Low WBC from excess zinc supplementation depleting copper……

Marina Nevyarovskiy
Marina Nevyarovskiy

So much valuable information! One clinical pearl in particular – curcumin interfering with iron absorption. So important to know as that’s a very popular supplement.

Erika Klus
Erika Klus

The alternate histamine calmers like stinging nettle leaf and pycnogenol, plus talking about curcumin inhibiting absorption of iron, were very helpful.

jeanette Walker
jeanette Walker

I didn’t know that turmeric can impair iron absorption so for client with heavy menstrual flow, Boswellia may be a better choice to lower inflammation when dealing with joint pain.

Lori Edwards
Lori Edwards

This was all so good. How can we choose one thing as learning practitioners? I cannot wait to start this course.

So much good information.

Ami Beshay
Ami Beshay

This was a great lecture! I learned new information about medications and nutrient depletion as well as helpful information about vitamin D3, vitamin A, zinc, and quercitin! I can’t wait to learn more!

Meg Ramstad
Meg Ramstad

Metformin -> B12 deficiency-> peripheral neuropathy!!! I always blamed it on the blood sugars!

Rachel Pendergast
Rachel Pendergast

I loved he explanation of the importance of replenishing magnesium before using higher doses of vitamin D. Thank you for this!

Magdaline Caradimitropoulo

quercitin may not be the best choice for histamine issues if person has stress mediated issues like sleeping problems or have trouble calming down. quercetin affects enzyme (COMT) that metabolites estrogen and adrenaline

Lisa Dunn
Lisa Dunn

Love your presentations! I learn so much!

Jennifer Dillman
Jennifer Dillman

Just pages and pages of notes – I didn’t know all of that about Vitamin D and how it pulls on vitamin A and mg.

Viktoriya Pleshkan
Viktoriya Pleshkan

Quercetin’s potential side effect was new to me, thank you for this presentation!