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The Surprising and Fascinating World of Bowel Movements


I am so excited to share this Facebook Live and THESE POWERFUL PEARLS of functional medicine with you.  At SAFM we teach our students to be both confident and highly skilled at “puzzle piecing” and finding the interconnectedness between pieces of each patient’s unique case. In this presentation, I’ll share a few stapled but also some unexpected connections which might surprise you!

Check out this video to get some clinical pearls you can use right away.  You’ll learn:

Powerful Pearls about BMs, the Colon, and Motility

  • What *actually* drives motility and most often impairs it (hint: it’s not the fiber!)
  • Why magnesium is not the end-all-be-all solution
  • Microbial solutions for constipation and diarrhea
  • Surprising reasons for cramps (it’s not always SIBO)
  • When the best solution is NOT in the GI tract
  • Why BMs should be the First focus

Thank you very much for joining in the fun and learning!

With warmth, love, and gratitude to you for sharing your gifts with so many –






P.S.  If you are passionate about transforming healthcare through the power of functional medicine, we encourage you to learn more about our training program here.

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Michelle Knapp
Michelle Knapp

The link between serotonin and constipation is so important! So many are put on drugs for anxiety when it’s really a gut issue! Also hormones control so much.
Thank you, Tracy!
(I attended under Nancy on FB, my mother)
I am starting IIN in 2 weeks and look forward to SAFM!

Jen Yundt Coles

Super fun, fast-paced talk today, thanks Tracy! (My husband makes fun of me for “interviewing my children about their poop”! ha ha.)
I learned that the surge of prostaglandins with estrogen dominance can be the cause of IBS symptoms like cramping, bloated feeling/distension, “gut pain”. It makes so much sense too, having all those organs sitting on top of one another. Everything IS connected!
I also learned that there are two alternatives to S boulardii — L. plantarum and L. rhamnosus, hooray 😉

Lisa Mair
Lisa Mair

Thank you for the plethora of detailed poop on poop!

It was all interesting, but if I had to pick, I would say
I was most surprised that estrogen dominance can
cause IBS like symptoms.

Tracy Spiaggia
Tracy Spiaggia

Hello, (fellow) Tracy! I really enjoyed your FB Live presentation today on bowel movements. I know most are uncomfortable having conversations like this, but it really is very helpful to understand this final stage of digestion. I really appreciate the tools and vocabulary you offer, on FB and on your website! I would LOVE to be part of the Applied Functional Medicine team! Praying and crossing my fingers.


Thank you so much for the great info. I appreciate the pearls on which probiotics is effective. The importance of knowing about estrogen dominance is valuable as well.


Really diving in and learning about the importance of gut health is critical… and fascinating! Thanks for the amazing information, as always 🙂

Sharon Lees

Thank you so much for that refresher…the H Pylori connection with hydrogen mediated Sibo was a pearl I need to have in the forefront…Thanks so much! Great Facebook Live!


Thanks Tracy, another great webinar and valuable tips. I would have to say the link between dehydration and constipation was a big pearl for me-it really goes along with the idea of looking at simple lifestyle habits first before jumping into more complex causes of issues. I think many people walk around chronically dehydrated!

Nathalie Keane
Nathalie Keane

Thanks Tracy
Another important pearl I learnt from Tracy. I found amazing the connection between the prostaglandins and excess estrogen and IBS. Something that most of us don’t think about. Absolutely fascinating as usual. Thanks Tracy for another great webinar.


Hi, Tracy —-
I so appreciate your willingness to share your info-packed Fb LIVE talks.
I was so interested in your comment that reproductive organs and digestive system are right next to and influence each other. This made me wonder what impact a hysterectomy might have on a woman’s gut function.
Had dinner with 7 SAFM students last night…let me tell you, they are all thrilled with their experience! Looking forward to joining them.
Many thanks for your gifts and good teaching.

Marissa Rollo
Marissa Rollo

One of my favorite conversations is poop and there is so much to learn! Good reminder on staying hydrated to avoid constipation. Such an easy thing for us to do to help our bodies!

John van Vlaardingen

Loved all the great info – especially you putting fiber way down the list of potential solutions to constipation.

Kate Theriot
Kate Theriot

Always loads of great information. I appreciated the “pearl” about which probiotics to recommend for diarrhea. Too often, people reach for a medication that only masks the problem and doesn’t help rebalance.

Victoria Stenulson
Victoria Stenulson

Great info, loved this talk, especially regarding the hormonal effect on constipation and that normal Thyroid is not always normal.

Molly Meier, FDN-P, CNC
Molly Meier, FDN-P, CNC

Always enjoy your talks Tracy. Excellent clinical pearls on today’s talk on bowel movements. Lactobacillus Plantarum and Lactobacillus Rhamanos breaking down histamine is a valuable tip in a case I’m reviewing today with a nine year old boy who has constant nausea and has been throwing up for a year. We have p. hominis parasites and citrobacter on board. His life is getting ready to change. Would love to spend a semester with you.

Samuel Bart-Williams
Samuel Bart-Williams

I appreciated learning that a single symptom such as constipation can be caused by a myriad of causes that need to be investigated through a deep dive and puzzling together interconnectedness.

Becky Noell
Becky Noell

Fantastic tips on thinking of constipation holistically and looking at the root cause. Loved the tips about estrogen dominance and treatment with evening primrose oil during the last 2 weeks of the cycle.


Insufficient magnesium. A friend of mine has been suffering from headaches consistently for a few days. To her, this was rather uncharacteristic. She wanted so badly for the discomfort to go away, but didn’t want to take any painkillers. I suggested magnesium citrate powder to her, as I’ve used it in the past to calm a headache. Since then, I’ve been learning more on the uses of magnesium.


Excellent information as always. New info – insufficient intake of healthy fats can lead to constipation. Thank you so much!

Valerie Holbert
Valerie Holbert

Thanks for the great talk on poop! 🙂 I appreciated the reminder about being very specific with clients about how often they are having bowel movements and showing them the Bristol Stool Chart. Only asking if they are regular or if they have digestion problems really doesn’t give a true picture necessarily bc their “normal” might be way off in one direction or another.

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