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Advanced Supplementation Insights for Practitioners


Although you may already be a savvy practitioner, I am certain you will learn something new in this video about ‘Advanced Supplementation Insights for Practitioners.’ You’ll walk away with pages of notes and practical pearls you can use in your practice right away.

Here is some of what we covered:

  • CoQ10 with statins – yes! But what about these other often overlooked nutrient depletions from medications?
  • The only 3 reasons to ever recommend supplements – and what to be sure to do at the same time! 
  • Potential pitfalls of single nutrient supplementation long-term. Some key supplements are better together!
  • Caution to consider for these common COVID related supplements. 
  • Turmeric, Quercetin, and 5-HTP, oh my? Powerful, effective options, but make sure you know where to exercise caution in using them.
  • A good strategy with any supplement, going low’n’slow upon introduction is especially key with these common supplements.
  • Methylation is famous. And so is folate. But here’s what practitioners might be forgetting!
  • Underutilized solutions for Rapid Relief of anxiety. Are you using them?
  • You need a toolbox – not a single solution – to help your clients with sleep.  Here’s why and what we recommend you put in yours.

With gratitude to You for joining in the fun and learning,

P.S.  If you are passionate about transforming healthcare through the power of functional medicine, we encourage you to learn more about our training program here.

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Charisma F
Charisma F

Very good content. Im glad I stopped by to listen

Helen Duyvestyn
Helen Duyvestyn

Brilliant. Thank you Tracy.

Stephanie Rowe
Stephanie Rowe

Excellent! The power of supplements and how they interconnect and can help clients is amazing! Love it!

Miles Cowan
Miles Cowan

Wow…, what a gold mine of information. The cost/risk/benefits of using medications to treat the symptoms but not the cause! It makes me think of the amount of people who are prescribed meds but with no long term plan to address the underlying cause. Mean while the body ends up borrowing from Peter to pay Paul! 🤧🤢

Elisabeth Jorgensen
Elisabeth Jorgensen

Love your swift delivery Tracey, thankyou! So many things to comment on. Your comments around long covid, glutathione and also depletions with common meds. PPis and HRT are becoming almost ubiquitous, add in long covid and complex PMH and our Px are a whirlwind of shifting sands. I really enjoy your clarity and richness of topic. Thankyou for sharing!


Loved it. So informative. Thank you

Melanie Rodewald
Melanie Rodewald

The reminder that Curcumin may not be a good fit for those with iron deficiency.


The quercetin issue with stress mediated symptoms. Better use other alternatives like stinging nettle leaves or pine bark extra!!

Deb Halverson
Deb Halverson

Doctors are prescribing a medication (metformin)) to treat the symptoms of the disease (diabetes and indirectly a downstream consequence-neuropathy), meanwhile the metformin depletes the important vitamin (B12) causing the same symptoms (neuropathy).

Brenda Herrod
Brenda Herrod

Loved the video! So many things.., the high zinc levels depleting zinc & leading to low WBCs. 5HTP leading to serotonin sickness with SSRIs/psychotropic meds…. B12 escorting B9 for methylation. Thank you Tracy!

Lori A Lamb
Lori A Lamb

Always love hearing about the magic of magnesium and stressing the importance of ample magnesium before supplementing with VitD.

Armita Edalat
Armita Edalat

Thank you so much for the informative FB live lecture! It is interesting to know that beta blocker can deplete coQ10 and melatonin in a body. So, we should consider coQ 10 and melatonin level in a person on beta blocker

Rachel Conner
Rachel Conner

Curcumin affects the absorption of iron!

Lorie Tesch
Lorie Tesch

Love the info about the potential for quercetin to impact the COMT enzyme and ability to metabolize estrogen and adrenaline!

Tamara Trinder
Tamara Trinder

It was a wonderful and information packed FB live. Tracy is so knowledgeable and a gifted presenter. The pearl i was not aware of was the curcumin can impair iron absorption. Possibly using boswellia for inflammation was also a great pearl. So much interconnectedness was shared.
Thank you Tracy!


Wow, Curcumin blocking Iron in Women Menstruating.The GABA Glutamate Balance and the importance of Vitamin B6 for Anxiety and Sleep quality, particularly post pandemic.So much more to take in from this excellent FB Live

Valerie Imber
Valerie Imber

Really loved this presentation. Thank you for opening my eyes that quercetin is not for every MCAS patient.

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Imber