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Supplement Myths and Truths for Practitioners


Although you may already be a savvy practitioner, I am certain you will learn something new in this video about Supplement Myths and Truths for Practitioners. You’ll walk away with pages of notes and practical pearls you can use in your practice right away.

Here are some of the things we’ll be discussing:

  • Liposomal? Nano? Sublingual? Tablets? Myths and Truths about the mode of delivery.
  • It’s still a hot, hot supplement right now. But it can cause side effects – quickly! – if you don’t know this devil in the detail.
  • Treating labwork with supplements is Not functional medicine at its best.
  • The biggest practitioner pitfalls in working with supplements.  Guaranteed to create overwhelm if you don’t learn them in advance.
  • There’s safety (and Efficacy) in numbers. Why single point solutions are seldom the best.
  • Missteps in labwork. Are you using the best markers to check dosage sufficiency?
  • Sure, learn protocols. And then learn to discard them, confidently.  Here’s Why.
  • You didn’t prescribe the drug, but you’re still responsible for this. And it’s important!  I’ll share the most common mistakes.
  • Plus some leading edge supplement options and alternatives. You don’t want to miss these!

Thank you very much for joining in the fun and learning! Please share your thoughts (please be thorough) in the “Ask a Question” area below about what inspired you in this presentation! Include what type of practitioner you are, so that we can all see your unique perspective.

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Marilyn Ngundam
Marilyn Ngundam

What a great life lesson which resonated with me “health is not the absence of disease but rather resilience u earn from life choices” and not just any life choices but con
sistency leads you to reap the reward. Thank you

Brendan G Tennefoss
Brendan G Tennefoss

Excellent information about supplements. For me in particular about Biocidin and the supplement that started with a ‘P’ lol. Also the information on iron salts vs glycinate. Always impressed how Tracy knows so much.

Judy DiMaggio
Judy DiMaggio

I was amazed that even today’s organic food is not as nutritious as it was in 1975. Even that is grown in somewhat depleted soil.

Melissa De Brito
Melissa De Brito

I really enjoyed this Facebook live on supplements. I thought the biggest takeaway was regarding iron supplementation in that it may be more beneficial to supplement it less often such as every other day in order to keep the protein hepcidin from inhibiting the transport and absorption of iron.

Stephanie Whitling
Stephanie Whitling

As always I learn so much from Tracy. The main takeaway for me is that our food is generally not healthy enough to not need some supplementation to balance our vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D and Magnesium are so important for our gut.

Lori Shore-Mouratoff
Lori Shore-Mouratoff

Such a great lesson. My favorite part is the reminder that supplements need to be attended, not left on a patients list for ever. I also appreciated your tips on rapid relief versus root cause resolution. Thank you Tracy!

Michelle Daddario
Michelle Daddario

Thank you so much Tracy!! As a new health coach (with a science heart and curious mind), you are so inspiring. My favorite part of today’s session is how you explained the increase in polyphenols actually comes from the nutritional soil (in a struggling environment) PLUS the knowledge that it can oxidize in our body. I am looking forward to taking your fertility deep-dive course as that is my niche’.

Tina McCaffrey
Tina McCaffrey

Thank you for the great information. My greatest takeaway is the interconnectedness of Vit D, Magnesium, and Calcium. Something that is critical to understand. I greatly appreciate your sharing.

silvia graber
silvia graber

great reminder about not using genetic testing to assess supplement needs. its not so black and white, and i admit to have fallen for that trap myself doing my own tests. also how vit d intake without the necessary cofactors connected to possible calcification of pineal gland and possible melatonin issues as well as kidney stones. a great reminder of how even supplements can become problematic similar to medications when taken too long and too much ! also immuno comprised and the possible issues with conversion of nutrients including k1 to k2, that was new for me! thank you for the insights!

Kayla Hightower
Kayla Hightower

Oh my!! Vitamin D is a hormone, mind blown! I know several people who are taking high does for vitamin D and they are not taking a magnesium supplement. I will be definitely reaching out to those individuals to speak with their healthcare providers.

Jacqueline Giuliani
Jacqueline Giuliani

I don’t even know where to begin with how valuable this video is. I struggle so much with learning how to use supplements properly as some of the information out there is not very detailed especially with dosing instructions and unfortunately had to deal with the negative effects of what that outcome can be if not done properly. It’s also really important to remember there is a serious increase in people becoming super sensitive to some of the supplements that are offered to them in an effort to help and having something like this to learn from means that I don’t have to contribute to causing anyone additional hardship as most have been through enough. I’m so grateful for finding your page and website.

Jessica Verwys
Jessica Verwys

I absolutely loved this Live today! Multiple pearls were relevant to current clients’ health issues so it was so informative and some things reaffirmed my thoughts on how to guide my clients. So thank you so much for this topic today!

The pearl that stood out to me the most was the significance of Vit K2 with Calcium and Vit D absorption and it’s impact on soft tissue. This may be the solution for one of my clients so I thank you very much for sharing this pearl ?

Sarah Meers
Sarah Meers

Thank you Tracy for a wonderful presentation as usual! I am a FNTP and and try to always tune into your Pearl’s of wisdom you so graciously give out. Today’s presentation you touched on vitamin D, something i have felt I need to learn more about. It is all the buzz right now and I’m hesitant to suggest everyone take for a few of the reasons you mentioned…my take away from you today was there are nuances to supplementing as well as the magnesium piece. I’m more comfortable suggesting food sources that are complete with cofactors to prevent a toxic build up.
Thank you again…I always feel more enriched with knowledge and cant wait for the next one in January!

Nikki O'Hare
Nikki O'Hare

Vitamin D is actually a hormone and not a vitamin. I had forgotten that!

Jennifer Ofstein
Jennifer Ofstein

Thanks Tracy. I love listening to your Facebook live videos. It always make me come fun circle especially about making sure you have a solid foundation of magnesium before introducing vitamin D


My pearl today was about vitamin D… not really a vitamin but rather functions like a hormone. Interesting thank you.

Lindsey Palmer

Thank you SO MUCH for the practical explanation for post-COVID syndrome at the end of this presentation with regard to tryptophan being steered toward immune functioning and thus leading to low serotonin and melatonin. It makes so much sense, and we can provide a straightforward explanation about this to the people we serve. I love how you hit home the point there is no shortcut to wellness! Very much looking forward to January’s Facebook Live!

Lisa Giusiana
Lisa Giusiana

I loved the concept of reminding the patient that we can’t do everything at once, that healing happens in phases and to give it some time.

Margaret Liffey
Margaret Liffey

Thank you so much for all the great information. I loved learning about how Vitamin D3, vitamin K2 and calcuim.


Thank you for your talk, I enjoyed it very much and learnt a lot. Particularly, I found very interesting the information regarding vitamin D, as it is one of the most popular supplements. Also, I didn’t know that patients who are treated with Metformin often present vitamin B12 deficiency. Thank you so much!

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