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Myths & Missteps Hormones Balancing


I am so excited to share this Facebook Live and THESE POWERFUL PEARLS of functional medicine with you.  At SAFM we teach our students to be both confident and highly skilled at “puzzle piecing” and finding the interconnectedness between pieces of each patient’s unique case.

In this presentation, I’ll share a few staples but also some unexpected connections which might surprise you!

Hormones are powerful, complex messenger molecules in the body. They are sending chemical signals 24/7, to assure activities throughout the body are coordinated in response to our environment. This is the beautiful *dance* of the hormones that includes metabolic, stress, and sex hormones.  Of course, there are many things which can challenge and interfere with that coordination, leading to imbalance and dysfunction (from hot flashes to IBS to anxiety). Our dancing hormones can start “stepping on each other’s toes”.

Although you may already be a savvy practitioner, I believe you will learn something new, that you can use right away in your practice.  Here are some of the things we’ll be discussing:


  • The biggest error that even savvy practitioners make in supporting “adrenal fatigue“.
  • Why the type of hormone testing you use matters. A lot! You’ll be surprised why.
  • The missing link in helping your patients fully overcome PCOS dynamics.
  • A hugely false assumption about menopause and estrogen levels. This is a BIG one.
  • The hormonal triple-threat and how it causes Infertility.
  • Why women’s fears of estrogen are often misplaced – and what to do to support them.
  • The highest-impact supplements I recommend for common hormone imbalances.

Thank you very much for joining in the fun and learning!

With warmth, love, and gratitude to you for sharing your gifts with so many –






P.S.  If you are passionate about transforming healthcare through the power of functional medicine, we encourage you to learn more about our training program here.

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Interesting how there is another piece of cortisol info that the salivary
test misses yet the DUTCH test reveals. So much so, the wrong recommended supplements could be given which could exasperate the condition.

Tiffany Noone
Tiffany Noone

Thanks for the great FB Live Tracy! I am Registered Nurse and Health Coach. I have gotten increasingly interested in functional medicine because of looking for solutions for my own health. My intuition has told me that it has to do with my hormones and I just recently learned about estrogen dominance. I enjoyed learning about some of the relief supplementations you discussed. I am looking forward to the release of the hormone course that you said will be coming out soon.


Thanks ever so much ! A plethora of information ! Can’t wait to re-watch it !!


For me a big light bulb came on when you explained the dynamic behind people getting sick on their holiday. Makes so much sense now. Also, I thought that both liw and high cortisol drive uo rT3, I understand now that it’s high cortisol or adrenaline. I wonder if the presence of high rT3 would be confirmation of high overall cortisol in saliva testing or if it could still be misleading in a hypothyroid client.


LEARNED cortisol is not the enemy.

Nancy Wood
Nancy Wood

As a recent FNP grad with a nursing background in endocrinology, I’m very excited to learn about functional medicine. I’ve seen too many people suffering with chronic issues that have been undiagnosed in traditional medicine, and I’m hoping to learn how to get to the root causes of these issues in the context of the whole person. This lecture on hormones was a great start. I appreciate the scientific basis.

Nadene Richter
Nadene Richter

LOVED THIS WEBINAR!!! So many things clicked into place for me. CORTISOL, this info was sooo helpful, and also the misunderstood term “adrenal fatigue” that is so quickly thrown around. This was a huge highlight for me.

Jen Mylock
Jen Mylock

I learned something new about DUTCH testing as well as starting a supplement program (low dose and slowly). This was great information! Thank you so much!!

Gail Turner-Cooper
Gail Turner-Cooper

Wow! How do I select what one of the inspiring pearls is best? I will select one that is near and dear to me. I completely agree with Tracy’s point that “adrenal fatigue” is misunderstood and poorly communicated. We as practitioners need to be better educated about the truths of cortisol and adrenaline. Also, understanding the diurnal rhythm is critical. Make sure you are testing the “big picture” and not just total hormone levels.
Thank you for taking the time today. I really enjoyed my first live webinar with you all!


Thank you for the shared info. I founf very interested the difference between free and total amount of certain hormones.

Angela DiBrito
Angela DiBrito

Wow! This information on hormones was so helpful for me. Tracy has such a gift for breaking down scientific (aka confusing) information and making it understandable for the general public. As a certified functional medicine health coach, I continue to learn so that I can continue to provide the most valuable skills and information for my clients. I found the information on DUTCH testing to be the most beneficial for me because it presents a better option for people looking to understand more about their hormones – a more complete picture. I will have DUTCH testing myself in the near future so that I can have personal experience in recommending it to my clients.

I just love everything that Tracy shares and have been tempted many times to enroll in an SAFM course. After investing so much in my functional medicine health coaching certification, being chosen for the Core 101 Semester would be the greatest blessing. Thank you for adding value to my life and the lives of so many with your free training sessions – I am full of gratitude for you all!


Another seminar so filled with pearls…adrenal fatigue, cortisol, testing, oh my. I am so thankful for sharing your knowledge. For me though, today, what struck a cord the most was your ending and describing exactly what some of us need to bring our practice to the next level. That is the clinical knowledge. The type of clinical knowledge you provide us with each of your webinars. Thank you!

Tamara Ali
Tamara Ali

I am just starting my practice so not a lot of experience. I found the fact that body fat stores cortisol and that your free cortisol may be low but your total metabolized cortisol may be extremely high thus leading to autoimmune issues. I believe I know a few people who this may be the case. Thank you as always for the wonderful content.

Juliana Nikolova
Juliana Nikolova

I liked the pearls about the urine test for hormones and the DUTCH test. I likes also the peals about the thyroid hormones and the TSH. Great advice on supplements as well.

Angela Archer
Angela Archer

Thank you. Really brilliant presentation. Really useful to know the difference between the saliva test and the DUTCH test. The DUTCH test always seemed so complicated – but know I see the value of it.

Michelle Post
Michelle Post

My biggest takeaway today is in supporting estrogen dominance, as sometimes the use of additional phytoestrogens can be helpful should the client not be producing enough estrogen in relation to the progesterone levels. I work mostly with peri/menopause women and all information is excellent. They seem to all exhibit “adrenal fatigue”, excess cortisol, weight gain. As a Holistic Nutrition Consultant, I use nutrition to rebalance their hormones which works magnificently. Being able to give more appropriate information is necessary. Great Live today. Thank you.

Jennifer Khalaf
Jennifer Khalaf

I’m super passionate about this topic since I work with woman and I myself have PCOS and had trouble conceiving while in a very stressful job. I’d never heard of the DUTCH test and I’m very intrigued about the other “globulin” markers to look at because most standard MDs have a set group of tests that aren’t giving the full picture. I’m going to be looking into this DUTCH test. Thank you!

Roseann Rutherford
Roseann Rutherford

I am working with an obese diabetic client whose thyroid has been removed. How would the removal of one thyroid affect cortisol levels? And in turn how would that affect free T3 and reverse T?

Jen Yundt Coles

As always, love your energy and passion, Tracy! So many great pearls, but today I learned the importance of a healthy level of beta-glucuronidase in the system. Too high levels can effect estrogen molecules and their escorts, breaking up the binding that would normally lead to excretion of said estrogen. Measured on the GI Map, too– going to get my labs out right now! Thanks again, – Jen.

Candice Cullen
Candice Cullen

I don’t know why I didn’t put this together before, but the nugget I got was about ovulation and estrogen dominance. Lack of ovulation, incomplete ovulation or irregular ovulation can contribute to estrogen dominance. Thanks for this puzzle piece! I look forward to your monthly Facebook Live videos!