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Post-COVID syndrome and Intra-COVID Leadership: Inspiration for Practitioners


Although you may already be a savvy practitioner, I am certain you will learn something new in this video about Post-Covid Syndrome and Intra-Covid Leadership: Inspiration for Practitioners. You’ll walk away with pages of notes and practical pearls you can use in your practice right away.

Here are some of the things we’ll be discussing:

  • Potentially the most powerful pandemic revelations
  • The ragingly short-sighted risks in our reaction so far – and the response that’s most needed
  • Common post-viral challenges:  what research says and what to do
  • Why your leadership matters now more than ever
  • What patients need to hear – and this one’s gonna take some courage
  • Functional imbalances and vulnerability
  • The fundamental misconception being repeated over and over again

Thank you very much for joining in the fun and learning! Please share your thoughts (please be thorough) in the “Ask a Question” area below about what inspired you in this presentation! Include what type of practitioner you are, so that we can all see your unique perspective.

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Thank you for joining us for this month’s FB Live: Post-COVID syndrome and Intra-COVID leadership: Inspiration for Practitioners.


As promised, here is a set of curated references that you may wish to explore:


Mucosal immunity and secretory IgA sufficiency:…/fimmu.2020.611337/full
S. Boulardii for mucosal immunity and immunomodulation re: prevent/minimize viral load:
L. Plantarum/L. Rhamnosus for increase T-reg cells to reduce risk of inflammatory overload:…/pii/S1319562X20305878…
Post-COVID changes in tryptophan prioritization (to an IL-dependent degree):
Post-COVID neurological effects (e.g. impaired BBB integrity):
Post-COVID and Iron deficiency (hepcidin, iron sequestering in ferritin): ,
Post-COVID oxidation overload (value of GGT marker):
COVID severity and the role of IL-6:
COVID severity and mitochondrial dysfunction (and more on tryptophan metabolism changes):

P.S.  If you are passionate about transforming healthcare through the power of functional medicine, we encourage you to learn more about our training program here.

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Kristel Wiesner
Kristel Wiesner

I appreciate your emphasis on resilience and on countering the fear. I would love to hear your take on vaccines if you find a way to share it.

I heard a lot of new things and will have to listen again to grasp it all. Some practical nuggets I took away is that its important to replenish magnesium and start low with vit D before increasing the D. I also learned that saccharomyces boulardii can help increase IgA.

Thank you. I look forward to your next fb live!

Jeralyn Fokken
Jeralyn Fokken

I am still buzzing from today’s talk. The discussion regarding developing “resilient health” was very powerful. This has made me think throughout the day how I want to super charge my patient’s mental and physical outlook for 2021. Maintaining resiliency and vitality during during COVID and beyond is a way for any and all to have a growth mindset as well as heal from their dis-ease or disease. For so many, fear, uncertainty and loss of control needs to be realigned to recapture trust. Once trust is reestablished healing, health and happiness can prevail. As a provider, I can be the stepping stone for reclaiming this long lost trust, educating with facts and as Tracy says, EMPOWERING and INSPIRING.

Barbie Sachs
Barbie Sachs

Oh my goodness Tracy I cannot believe the amount of information and pearls in this webinar. From mucous membrane health, glutathione, zinc, iron and copper deficiencies. I hope there is a transcript of not I will have to watch this at least 10x to get everything out of it. Thank you so much. I also appreciate early on the discussion about lack of scientific discussion/ expression.

Melanie Rodewald
Melanie Rodewald

This was full of great information! I especially appreciated the probiotic recommendations! Thank you for all the helpful knowledge!

Cheryl Paswater

This was LIT!!!! Seriously…I cried, I actually cried. My take away was not only the magical power of our immune systems but also how much we need microbes, nutrient dense food, vitamins, love, magic and that science /medicine / practitioners should not be fighting or more valid than the other. Thank you for this!

Deb Hearin
Deb Hearin

When the immune system is fighting, there is a battlefield inside the body. The battle outcome depends on the state the immune system is in at the start of the battle. Zinc is critical for all tissue healing. Zn strengthens the innate immune system. Zn increases T-reg cells to decrease cytokine storm. We need to encourage parasympathetic nervous system activity. Thank you, Tracy, for genuine leadership in our school.

Tamara Trinder
Tamara Trinder

Thank you Tracy!
So much information! I will listen again this weekend!
The pearls I took away were that interleikin 6 increases blood brain barrier permeability. Vitamin D modulates the permeability of the gut and blood brain barrier. The importance of VitaminA, Mg, zinc and copper were also interesting. Loved your analogies.
So sorry for you loss. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

Vashti Kanahele

Thank you, Tracy!! The webinar was inspiring. I really appreciated the information on immune system regulation with the help of probiotics and as well as the information on the mucosal lining. I loved the mountain analogy and the discussion around fear driving many in society into sympathetic domination. There were so many pearls, as always. Thank you.

Lisa Kuzmich-Baldwin
Lisa Kuzmich-Baldwin

I wasn’t thinking of post covid symptoms as injuries. It makes absolute sense that zinc will help to heal inside the body! Thank you, Tracy!

Mary Moskowitz
Mary Moskowitz

I loved Tracy’s message and passion today. What I liked best was her coaching and inspiring us to get out there now- people need us now more than ever! The answer is within each of us to arm our bodies to be resilient and strong so we can deal with whatever virus or disease comes our way.


Thank you Tracey for those wonderful pearls. The erosion of the BBB with high IL-6 was an amazing statement and one that I did not know of. I also think melatonin, in small amounts, can be a game changer when it comes to getting deep, restorative sleep and strengthening the immune system.

Adrienne Markus
Adrienne Markus

What a wonderful and engaging presentation today! So many pearls! I appreciated the focus on glutathione for long haulers and the reminder to keep tabs on copper while supplementing zinc. Also the reminder that the blood brain barrier can be more permeable – great things to keep in mind.

Meghan Smart

Thank you for another great great FB live! When you said this isn’t the last virus we will face it really stuck with me. It is so important to work with our patients & clients on improving health and resilience so that the next time we face a new virus our society will be stronger, healthier, and hopefully more graceful. The importance of vitamin D, vitamin A, and zinc is an excellent pearl.

Sandra Lutzen
Sandra Lutzen

Thank you for all the useful info. What I found useful were the examples of not removing the mountain or rain…this makes it easy and clear for us as we explain the importance of taking care of our defenses/immune system to those we work with. Also so helpful were the recommendations of vitamins/ minerals/ probiotics/glutathione. I leave these talks feeling inspired and empowered. ❣️ I feel less helpless. And yes…depression is so real right now…it’s heartbreaking, My children’s father has been out of work since March due to COVID. It has impacted us all in a myriad of ways. Staying strong is not easy. Thank you again for your offerings and wisdom and support.

Silvia Graber
Silvia Graber

love this video so much tracy! inspiring and informative for all practioners and people in general! so much we don’t understand and you are providing a great service by helping us help ourselves and others, thank you!

Lindsey Palmer

Tracy, you were on fire! THANK YOU. I have been inspired to disseminate the truth throughout the pandemic but never more so than right now. You have done tremendous good with this FB Live to re-shape the future landscape of healthcare. I accept the obligation of empowering people to take back their health and to arrive at future challenges from a place of resiliency. The pearl that was new to me involved the role of mucosal health and secretory IgA in combating the virus. Your webinars and FB Lives are always fueled by passion, but this one was truly remarkable. Thank you again.

Stephanie Whitling
Stephanie Whitling

Wow! You are always so inspiring Tracy. This is exactly what I have been preaching in my practice for the past 9 months! I will continue and add to it with more knowledge. As an SAFM student I knew quite few pearls, but the tryptophan was powerful.


The thing i learned today was that tryptophan gets used to help macrophages fight an infection, thus depletting serotonin and melatonin causing patients to potentially not sleep well and also lose the antioxidant effects of melatonin. To me, this decrease in Seretonin also contributes to the depression many of COVID patients are suffering. One of many great pearls!! 🙂

Lorie Tesch
Lorie Tesch

Thank you Tracy! I learned so much from your FB live today but I think what really resonated with me is that this moment is not just an opportunity to share our knowledge and passion for better health, but we have an obligation to do so!!


Loved so many points made. Thank you so much for your inspiration, and for sharing your own personal experiences with us.
Don’t just BOOST the immune system, but have a strong regulated one! Ample and optimal levels of T reg cells are important. The easy use and essential need for zinc for T regulatory cells (wound healing etc). Being careful to have a zinc/cooper balance.