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Post-COVID syndrome and Intra-COVID Leadership: Inspiration for Practitioners


Although you may already be a savvy practitioner, I am certain you will learn something new in this video about Post-Covid Syndrome and Intra-Covid Leadership: Inspiration for Practitioners. You’ll walk away with pages of notes and practical pearls you can use in your practice right away.

Here are some of the things we’ll be discussing:

  • Potentially the most powerful pandemic revelations
  • The ragingly short-sighted risks in our reaction so far – and the response that’s most needed
  • Common post-viral challenges:  what research says and what to do
  • Why your leadership matters now more than ever
  • What patients need to hear – and this one’s gonna take some courage
  • Functional imbalances and vulnerability
  • The fundamental misconception being repeated over and over again

Thank you very much for joining in the fun and learning! Please share your thoughts (please be thorough) in the “Ask a Question” area below about what inspired you in this presentation! Include what type of practitioner you are, so that we can all see your unique perspective.

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Thank you for joining us for this month’s FB Live: Post-COVID syndrome and Intra-COVID leadership: Inspiration for Practitioners.


As promised, here is a set of curated references that you may wish to explore:


Mucosal immunity and secretory IgA sufficiency:…/fimmu.2020.611337/full
S. Boulardii for mucosal immunity and immunomodulation re: prevent/minimize viral load:
L. Plantarum/L. Rhamnosus for increase T-reg cells to reduce risk of inflammatory overload:…/pii/S1319562X20305878…
Post-COVID changes in tryptophan prioritization (to an IL-dependent degree):
Post-COVID neurological effects (e.g. impaired BBB integrity):
Post-COVID and Iron deficiency (hepcidin, iron sequestering in ferritin): ,
Post-COVID oxidation overload (value of GGT marker):
COVID severity and the role of IL-6:
COVID severity and mitochondrial dysfunction (and more on tryptophan metabolism changes):

P.S.  If you are passionate about transforming healthcare through the power of functional medicine, we encourage you to learn more about our training program here.

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Irina stuchinsky
Irina stuchinsky

Hi Tracy,

Thank you so much for all this great information on the topic that is so relevant to all of us right now. I agree 100% that our imune system protects us, helps us heal and maintain sustainable wellness. Thank you for the pearls!

Caroline Clark
Caroline Clark

Thank you for this! PREACH! The conversation in the media about COVID is endlessly frustrating.

What kinds of post covid symptoms would be caused by calcification of soft tissue?

Douglas Hansen

Thanks for the great presentation today! I appreciated the level headed approach you took regarding virus’ in general–this is a virus, virus’ spread! I also liked the perspective on vitamin D, K2, Zinc, Glutathione, and Vitamin A. The reminder to ensure adequate magnesium prior to starting someone on Vitamin D and ramping the dose of D up. Thanks again for the many pearls!!

Gail Altschuler, MD

Thank you for your impassioned call to action for all of us. Loved learning about the power of Organic Acids to clarify the pathways affected, the power of tryptophan, melatonin, B6 and the reminder that S. Boulardi shores up Sec IgA. Just wow!

Michelle Harding Stopford
Michelle Harding Stopford

Thank you for a courageous and passionate talk that inspired me to keep educating my wellness community.
Foundational health and viral resilience is key along with precious nuggets on supplementation. Thank you Tracey for your energy and education, I’m always excited to learn from you.

Jennifer Hanna
Jennifer Hanna

I loved how you repeated that a virus is a virus and this won’t be the last virus. We need to be resilient and able to survive and learn through surviving. Not hiding and fighting.

Darci Westmoreland
Darci Westmoreland

It was very inspiring today to see over 400 watching, to read comments from individuals from all over the world who haven’t bought in to the media hype, and to hear Tracey’s perspective of root causes, preventative health, and practical treatment options.
I have felt so isolated in my thoughts that go against the grain of most medical media news sources. So much so that it’s been discouraging to even want to pursue another career in healthcare. More than ever, we need to pull together to speak for ourselves, our patients, our families, and our nations. Thank you for giving us a platform to connect today. I’m excited to start the SAFM journey where I hope to find my voice and be part of such an impactful community.
For clients and family members who feel they have few options- due to age or comorbidities, what are some good sources to share that aren’t too overwhelming to understand?

Karen Higgins
Karen Higgins

This was another amazing webinar. My biggest takeaway was to focus on spreading the message to build resiliency in order to prepare for the next inevitable outbreak.

Garineh Serpekian
Garineh Serpekian

Thank you Tracy for validating what I beleive in. its difficult to keep talking about this when the community around d me are in fear and don’t take what we say seriously or beleive it strongly and instead prefer to listen to propaganda media. I shall persevere and fulfil my obligation to educate and empower the people. From your session, I understand why Vitamins B, C, D, A, zinc, Mg, Glutathione are important for during the infection and post syndrome long haulers. And the blood brain permeability is a critical issue we should focus on.

Erica Wheeler
Erica Wheeler

Thank you Tracy for your COURAGE to speak so much truth and continue to give us all valuable information. I found the specific probiotics you mentioned to be very helpful in some on my thought processes with clients. This was great. Thanks again!

Martina Sturm
Martina Sturm

Leaky gut as a source of excess interleukins in the body. Vitamin D not only modulates the tight junctions in the gut but the blood brain barrier as well. Vitamin D requires magnesium.
People with CV disease are more vulnerable in a pro inflammatory environment and vulnerable to excess calcification of soft tissues and arteries. Vitamin K2 is important to move calcium from the blood to the bone. Active D3 is important along Vitamin K2 for calcium regulation.

Karen Rogers

So sorry for your loss. An especially difficult time to lose someone. Thank you for all your knowledge and insight along with your passion to teach. Many interesting pearls.
IL-6 increasing blood brain barrier permeability.
So interesting the pathway of tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin.

Looking forward to the semester starting.

Armita Edalat
Armita Edalat

Thank you for the great and knowledgeable lecture! it is interesting to know that ILK6 (an inflammatory factor) increases BBB permeability, and it is responsible for neurological symptoms of post COVID syndrome. Also, it is interesting to understand how ILK6 cause Anemia in patients with COVID. ILK 6 increase synthesis of hepsidine which impair Iron absorption from the gut, and it leads to anemia.

Sandy Anderson
Sandy Anderson

Wow Tracy–this talk was impacting beyond words! Thank you for your honesty and sharing so many ways to educate, inspire & empower clients during these crazy and challenging COVID times. My family overheard while I was listening and we are all inspired by your words. We agree that the last 20 minutes of your talk would be one awesomely powerful Ted Talk! What a super role model you are–I love how you always walk your talk! 🙂

Terri L. Brucato
Terri L. Brucato

I always find your seminars inspiring, but you really put things into perspective about the stats especially. I always knew that copper and zinc were antagonists. I didn’t realize that Il-6 decreased iron or that s. Boulardi helped maintain mucosal functioning.

Kerri Thigpen
Kerri Thigpen

Thank you for this enlightening look into issues surrounding Covid. It’s such a good reminder that we cannot “control” the virus & we must set ourselves and our clients up to best fight that battle should we encounter which eventually we all likely will. It is important we equip ours clients for “battle” based on their unique needs or vulnerabilities.

Amybeth Whissel

Today I especially took note of how when the body begins sequestering tryptophan there will be less serotonin and consequently, our levels of melatonin will fall, which directly affects the functioning and strength of the innate immune system. Your enthusiasm and passion are boundless and inspiring, Tracy! I am invigorated by every new insight of interconnectedness I make and every pearl I’m able to glean. Thank you.


Tracy, I’m grateful for you and appreciate your straightforward approach mixed with humor . I’ve shared this particular video with several friends and family members with whom I’m in consistent dialogue regarding talking back our own health as well as establishing and maintaining a resilient immune system. I’m an Occupational Therapist and Integrative Health Practitioner with an emphasis on FM lab testing. Cheers!

Bernadette Clark
Bernadette Clark

Thank you so much for putting into perspective the actual number of deaths annually and the exaggerated hype the media puts on covid deaths. This was truly a jaw dropping and inspiring discussion!

Valerie O’Donnell
Valerie O’Donnell

Honestly, Tracy’s entire presentation inspired me today. So many good pearls. As a registered nurse and integrative nutrition health coach I agree that we need to work together as a practitioner community to guide, support and educate our patients/clients so they can understand how to maintain optimal functioning during this daunting time.
Like Tracy pointed out, when we stop learning we start dying. We need to keep questioning and not trust “the science”.
I LOVE the analogy of “stop trying to stop the rain and learn how to be RESILIENT in the rain!” Such a great takeaway!
Tracy nailed it when she stated the statistics -99% survival rate… not 39 or 49….99%!!

I learned that interleukin 6 increases blood brain barrier permeability, therefore some will struggle more! Also that, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Vitamin A, Zinc and K2 play a huge role in healing.

Thank you Tracy for sharing all of your knowledge with us!