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True Root Causes of Dis-Ease


I am so excited to share this Facebook Live and THESE POWERFUL PEARLS of functional medicine with you.  At SAFM we teach our students to be both confident and highly skilled at “puzzle piecing” and finding the interconnectedness between pieces of each patient’s unique case.

In this presentation, I’ll share a few staples but also some unexpected connections which might surprise you!

One of the most important tenets of functional medicine is the focus on upstream drivers of dis-ease vs. only focusing on downstream symptom relief. While it is a fact that each patient is unique, you can indeed learn to assess, target, and resolve dysfunctions based on these common drivers. With this knowledge you will immediately begin to help client’s achieve rapid relief – they will get well, have faith in your skills and help grow your practice by word of mouth!

Although you may already be a savvy practitioner, I believe you will learn something new, that you can use right away in your practice.  Here are some of the things we’ll be discussing:


  • How amazingly few things can “go wrong” with the human body.
  • The five most common Root Causes and the three most powerful drivers.
  • Where to focus: Disease or Dis-Ease?
  • Why thyroid function matters so much more than you might think.
  • Order of operations: where to start? Key tricks of the trade.
  • Yes, disease often begins in the gut, but sometimes in ways you likely don’t expect!
  • The #1 area you want to be an expert if you have to choose and focus your learning.
  • How to inspire clients to Do something about their stress vs. just talking about it.


Thank you very much for joining in the fun and learning! 

With warmth, love, and gratitude to you for sharing your gifts with so many –






P.S.  If you are passionate about transforming healthcare through the power of functional medicine, we encourage you to learn more about our training program here.

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Lori Kimble
Lori Kimble

I found it interesting when you spoke of the body “gassing off” things like silver fillings. The discussion about glutathione not being enough to fight the toxic burden effects of internal & external environmental toxins was great, as well as insight into how far behind allopathic medical practitioners are and how little time they actually have to educate themselves. Relying on Big Pharma to do so isn’t the answer. (Not to mention that it is an unethical conflict of interest!) Thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge Tracy! Much appreciated!


It was inspiring to hear how interconnected we all are. One system feeds off another off another…getting to the root cause is how to stop this cycle. It’s detective work!

Cindy Sarvai
Cindy Sarvai

Biggest pearl, it’s more than the blood work! Another nugget,love how the body is interconnected and speaks to every piece! The comment you made anout dis ease not just happening! Love it! I learn something every time I participate! You are an encyclopedia of knowledge!


I love your analogy of skin being a giant mouth. I think it gives our client a clear picture.
Also, love the message: “Body is strong and capable, We just need to make right choices to support it!”
would love to learn more about hormones!
Thank you


Today I found the missing piece of the puzzle
‘why many of clients’ fasting blood sugar was much higher ’
And it was a real eye opener to know that our bodies are
not producing that huge amount of estrogen but it’s not being
cleared due to the blocked detox pathways…????
Sluggish thyroid – sluggish everything- so true!
You are such an amazing teacher Tracy! ????????????????


Wow! Picking one thing is impossible. I really appreciate each nugget! I am most excited about diving into Hormones and Thyroid challenges because, after going through menopause, I am having a major challenge in that area personally.

Amy Swanso
Amy Swanso

Thanks so much for the talk Today!
I was wondering if there is anyway to heal or reverse thyroid issues without medications?

Jennifer Ofstein
Jennifer Ofstein

Thank you Tracy! I’ve been practicing massage for the last 6 years and I love this field so much because it’s my way of being able to help others. The more that I learn about how the body functions I never realized how much until recently (like the last 2 years) not just nutrition is a major player but how we develop certain conditions like you had mentioned on your live feed today. I’ve had a lot of personal struggles over the last few years that I couldn’t get to the bottom of with conventional medicine (fibroids, fatigue, chronic back/neck issues, etc……). However I feel like ever thing I’ve gone through has been a learning experience however painful or annoying the issue has been. When you had mentioned high estrogen levels it hit home for me along with the stress factor, which because lords knows stress can cause a barrage of problems!!!!! Thankfully I have An amazing health coach who has opened me up to the world of functional medicine. One big thing I didn’t realize until today is your topic on insulin resistance and how after years of making our pancreas over work (like being in a hyper state……similar… Read more »

Della Webster
Della Webster

I appreciate your insight regarding the need for practitioners to avoid bringing a ‘fear based’ message when working with clients, and especiallly when trying to educate the public about functional medicine. With regard to environmental toxins, as you mentioned, they are everywhere in our society, and I have found that simply creating an awareness of where they exist and how they impact our lives, and the world we inhabit is having a more lasting impression and creating slow change in behaviours with the pleople I come in contact with.
Thankyou again for your passion and commitment.

Debra Khan
Debra Khan

I just want to say thank you again for the fb live. I learn something new each and every time I listen to you. There is so many good things from today but I always like to go back to basics. Your body is always trying to keep you alive! Adapting and manipulating what we do to ourselves and what we put into our bodies. We have to listen closely to what our body is saying.
thanks again

Dassie Besser
Dassie Besser

There is always a better, more empowering way to say something so that it doesn’t instill fear and cause stress. Saying a person has an 80% chance of getting worse is the same as saying they have a 20% chance of improving.

Anita Dávila
Anita Dávila

It made an impact to me to learn that thyroid hormones may be to blame for many different issues. And I loved that you take a stance against scare tactics which are often purported by some practitioners. Thank you for that.


Thank you so much for this wonderful live video! I am impressed by the fact that test results are not always representative and instead we need to focus on patient’s signs and symptoms -how they feel.


Hi Tracey,

I love your presentation. Same way as the previous ones.
I like how you are inspire people. You are focusing on the human body as on one entire interconnecting system. And I agree with this bc we have many organs and tissues …but only one blood supplying them . That’s why we need to focus on the whole body not only the affected part of it. Your teaching is opening the eyes of many health practitioners. I love the information of hormones, gut function, the importance of healthy thyroids and totally fascinated about your knowledge on the lab testing. Everybody is talking about the glucose level and here we get to learn that the insulin resistance is the real problem. I hope people like you will change the health care for better.

Thank you for your presentation


Farrah Thompson
Farrah Thompson

Thank you as always for the insights!

As someone who is just diving into the world of functional medicine (I am an herbalist) I love the reminders to look upstream at the drivers of the issues in the first place. I did especially resonate with the assertion that the patient is in control and that fear has no place on their health journey.

From a clinical standpoint – hyper insulin state; that a patient can have low numbers on blood work and be eating the SAD/be told they are fine… but in fact are still in a hyper insulin state and doing damage to their pancreas.

Looking forward to a deeper dive in the four part series! Thank you again.

Theresa Stone
Theresa Stone

I too loved your comments on the skin, integumentary system, ad being s giant big mouth that bypasses the support of the liver for detoxification. What you put on your skin is very important be ause of the tra sdermal adsorption. Thank you for your wisdom and time!

Becca Moss
Becca Moss

Hi Tracy! A couple things that inspired me was the reminder that stress is not a badge of honor! And the other piece is that dis-ease begins in the gut and hormones are another major cause of imbalance and dis-ease. Thank you for this talk, great information!

Caitlin Jarvis
Caitlin Jarvis

I was thrilled to hear you mention something as simple as dehydration and the havoc it can create in our bodies . I’ve had many patients and clients who have felt so much better after simply increasing their fluid/water intake. Thank you again for today!

Maria Campanile
Maria Campanile

I found it very interesting how many systems in the body are affected by toxins and how the environmental exposure, topical products along with what we ingest can influence this. The affects of toxins on hormones was enlightening when you explained how the reabsorb into the system secondary to being blocked by a toxin which in turn elevates hormone levels. Thank you for this informative overview, I look forward to working with you in the September course.


I love how you include massage therapists, since I am one, in this amazing education. I also loved how you disagree with the scare tactics (have experienced that trying to get me to have a colonoscopy). I’m totally on board with everything you said. I just had my insurance “allowed” check up and only tsh was checked on my thyroid, even knowing I have some nodules. For myself, I’m interested in gut health info and hormone imbalances since I’m in menopause. I also have high homocysteine and mthfr snps and really appreciate the way you talk about what’s happening up stream and down stream. You have a kind way of excusing how pathetic our current medical system is and I know it’s probably true, that they’re doing the best they can considering their education comes from pharmaceutical companies and they’re bound by insurance company allowances. I look forward to more information from you. Thank you so much!